SHOCKING PROPHECY FROM THE 1930’s about THE FUTURE OF AMERICA!! Special guest Perry Stone!

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Z Media Team
6 months 2.2K Views

 “I will allow water to break their walls”.

Today, Joseph Z features a special guest, Perry Stone, and they disclose the shocking prophecy from the 1930s about the future of America. Perry asserts that when we see God moving in a person’s life, we should consider all that those people had to go through before that season of progress or success. He reveals that there’s a price behind the anointing that God has made available to this generation while assuring us that there’s an outpouring of the holy spirit coming soon on all flesh which nothing can hinder. 

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Next, he reminds us that the outpouring comes before the great tribulation while sharing a 1933 prophecy that reveals the future of America. Next, Perry elaborates on the prophecy that corresponds with what is currently taking place in the US political arena, revealed in a Book he published years back named “America’s Apocalyptic Reset”. He also alludes to the Biblical story of Nebuchadnezzar to expose what to expect in the next US political valley of decision. 

Furthermore, he informs us that God knows what He desires but leaves it in the hands of His people to choose, and if we choose not to go with God’s will, we choose the consequences of our choice. He then urges us to please vote for God’s perfect will for our nation, in the upcoming election.


0:00 Introduction

03:20 What Price Was Paid?

05:21 The Outpouring Comes Before the Tribulation

11:05 The 1933 Prediction & America’s Future

14:34 King Nebuchadnezzar & the US Political Future

20:51 Perfect & Permissible Will of God

34:42 Prayer: Conclusion